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Lauritzen Gardens - Omaha's Botanical Center
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Antique and Garden Show Sponsorship

Orchid Sponsor $25,000  

One full-page ad, 20 Preview Party  tickets, 25 general admission show  tickets, one- year membership in Flora Danica *   

  Value of Package is $1,250  


        Lotus Sponsor $15,000 

One full-page ad, 10 Preview Party  tickets, 20 general admission show  tickets, one- year membership in Flora Danica *  

  Value of Package is $ 700 


Rose Sponsor $10,000 

One half-page ad, 8 Preview Party  tickets, 15 general admission show  tickets, one- year membership in Flora Danica *  

  Value of Package is $ 550  



Iris Sponsor $ 5,000 

One quarter-page ad, 6 Preview Party  tickets, 10 general admission show  tickets, one- year membership in Flora Danica *  

  Value of Package is $ 400.00 

Lily Sponsor $2,500 

One eighth-page ad, 4 Preview Party  tickets, 4 general admission show  tickets, one- year membership in Flora Danica *  

  Value of Package is $240 


Tulip Sponsor $500

4 general admission show  tickets, listing in promotional material  

  Value of Package is $40 


Contributor $100

Listing in program book



Payment Method 



Bill Me  ____________  (date to be billed) 

Check  Enclosed _____   (payable to Lauritzen Gardens) 

Name to be printed in program: 




Credit Card: 


             ___ Visa                   ___ MasterCard 

City, State, Zip: 

             ___ AMEX               ___ Discover 


Card # _________________________________ 

Security Code: ______ 


Exp. Date: __________ Charge $____________ 



  I WANT the benefits that come with my sponsorship. 


Foundations (private or Omaha Community Foundation) are unable to receive any benefits of any value. 

  I DO NOT WANT the benefits that come 

      with my sponsorship. 

 *Flora Danica is Lauritzen Gardens' giving society.  Membership benefits include membership to the garden and exclusive invitations to festivals, flower shows and private special events.

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